The Art of Saying "No"
You will never please everyone…..
You just won’t. People are hard to please.
For some reason though there is something in us that inherently makes us want to please everyone, want to be liked by everyone.
It will never happen though.
But, we still load our plate up with more than we can handle because we just can’t tell people “no”.
Learning to say “no” is a skill that will change your life.
You won’t be stressed to the max. You will have time to do things you actually want to do and so much more.
There is an art to it though because how do you determine when to say “yes” and when to say “no”?
Just ask yourself a couple simple questions.
“Do I actually have the time to do whatever it is and still have time to get the things done that I need to get done?
“Does whatever this is inhibit me from moving closer towards my goals?”
The truth is, “no” is an adequate answer no matter the situation.
To be able to help others you have to help yourself first.
Stretching yourself thin doesn’t do anybody any good.
Do what you can but don’t be afraid to say “no”.
It will change your life.