Preparing Your Fields For Rain
When was the last time you tended to your fields??
Oh, you're not a farmer? Well good thing because I meant the fields, the crops, of life.
Everyday, we sow seeds that we will harvest at one point or another.
Some good, some bad. So, what kind of seeds are you sowing?
May sure they are ones that you can look forward to harvesting.
I’m not here to talk about the seeds you sow though because I believe you already know what you need to do. I want to talk about taking care of your fields.
The common misconception is that we just plant our seeds and then they will do their thing all on their own.
Well, that's not the case, at least not with the seeds of life.
You have to check on them, maintain them everyday, and most importantly water them.
Well in life we have to wait for rain. We don’t get to control the rain. God will send rain in HIs timing.
It is our job to prepare the fields and make sure they are ready for His rain.
Too many times we are scared rain will never come so we don’t even prepare our fields.
Other times we plant the seeds and then when we don’t see the rain when we want it, we stop taking care of the fields.
The most successful farmers of life are the ones who plant the seeds and tend to the fields even when no rain is in sight.
They have FAITH that the rain will come.
So, even when you are tired and feel completely overwhelmed and like you just can’t tend to the fields anymore, do not quit.
Be strong and courageous.
Your rain is coming.