You're Being Lied To

You're Being Lied To

Do you enjoy being lied to???

I don’t know about you but I hate being lied to.

Well, if you haven’t figured it out yet we have been lied to over and over again by the media and by politicians for YEARS.

The people we vote into office that are there to serve us and then the media outlets we are supposed to trust blatantly lie to us to push certain narratives.

If we want to maintain our freedom as a country we have to wake up.

Well, how do we wake up when all of our sources can’t be trusted?

You have to do your own research.

Yes, it will require time and effort on your part but wouldn’t you rather know the truth?

Or are you content just believing the lies out of pure laziness?

Once you wake up to what is going on your job doesn’t end there though.

You have to help other people wake up also because trust me it is no fun being alone in this.

Don’t be rude and hateful to those that aren’t awake yet and don’t shove it down their throat.

Just politely present topics and statements that make them question things.

Curiosity will take over from there.

It is time to wake up as a nation and as a people.

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