Men Need to be Men Again
What has happened to men?
Men aren't even what they were 40 - 50 years ago.
Men as soon as they turned 18 were expected to be ready for war. Ready to protect. Ready to take care of a family.
Now, men are overweight, with zero drive, playing video games at 40.
This is on purpose but we’ll save that discussion for another day.
But the demoralization and the progression of men becoming the weakest they have ever been has led our culture and country to where it is today.
Men no longer have backbones to stand up for what is right. Instead they sit on the couch eating cheetos and watch Fox News or CNN and think that is taking action.
If we want to see this country get back to its former glory and become the best it has ever been, it starts with the men becoming men again.
How do we do that?
Well the first obvious one is men need to get back in the gym and get back to being in shape and “battle ready”.
Second, men need to become the head of the household again. I cannot believe the amount of men that have a wife and kids but when they get home from work they go straight to video games. Be the husband your wife needs, be the dad your kids needs.
Are you being the kind of father you need to be to your kids so they turn into the upstanding Americans they need to be?
Are you being the man and husband that is deserving of your wife's affection?
For a lot of men and I would even say most men right now the answer is no.
When men become the husbands and fathers they are supposed to see you will see a dramatic shift of our society in the right direction.
Men, we are supposed to be leaders in our homes and in our society and we are failing and that is why our nation is failing.
If we want to see America become the best it has ever been, men need to be men again!