We've Been Played Yet Again...
We’ve been played yet again…..
For years the opposition has set out to divide us every which way.
Race, religion, sex, sexuality, you name it.
And we have fallen for every single one of them. It makes sense if you think about it though.
It goes all the way back to biblical times. United we stand divided we fall.
The enemy has been trying to divide and demoralize us as a nation.
You have to realize that this hasn’t happened by accident.
There is a small minority of a couple thousand people who want to have control over the whole world and this is how they do it. They have us fighting over so many below the line issues that we forget to see the big things that they are doing that truly affect us.
So, how do we stop them?
Well, go back up a few lines and read the beginning of that statement….
United we stand.
We have to unite and a lot of people think that means setting aside our differences but it actually means the opposite.
We have to embrace our differences and realize they are what makes this country so great. We don’t have to agree 100% but we have to come together against a common enemy by defying the division they are forcing on us.
In my opinion we have two identifying titles:
Americans and Children of God.