There Are Either Winners or Losers, No Participants

There Are Either Winners or Losers, No Participants

In the game of life there are no participation trophies…..

In today’s culture I see sporting events for kids that keep no score, equal playing time regardless of skill and effort, and worst of all…. A trophy for everyone.

I am not that old, 24 to be exact, and I remember where you only got trophies for first place and occasionally second and third place. But as time progressed you see trophies for the top three and then medals for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th place. 

I remember what it was like to see a trophy before the game and then watch the other team end up with it and how much I hated it. 

But you know what? That hate for losing is something that has become a foreign concept because in most things now, everybody wins.

And if everybody wins that means nobody wins.

Competition is literally what this country and countries around the world are built on. The perfect example is the example of the skyscraper.

One guy decides he wants to build the tallest building in the world and he does it. Well, then another guy comes along and says he can build it taller and he does. And this goes on and on and it is still going on today.

Competition breeds innovation. Competition makes people want to be better. It is human nature to want to win and hate to lose and we are being stripped of that.

We are being set up to lose as a society so a select few people can win and control everything.

You either win in life or you lose. There are no participation trophies.

Are you okay with losing?

Deep down I don’t think anyone is.

So, what do you need to do to win?

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