Strength Through Faith
Times are tough right now….
I think that is something we can all agree on. It seems like everywhere you look in our country it's just another dumpster fire.
Honestly, it's scary. There is so much uncertainty that it just paralyzes people in fear.
It is very easy to get completely wrapped up in the fear mongering that is constantly being done so what do we do?
Well, we have to be strong. We can’t let it stop us from doing what we know we need to be doing. But how? How can we be strong and get the strength to be unbothered in such dark times?
Not in money, not in our own abilities but through Jesus Christ.
In the bible it says to “cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you”.
That couldn’t be more true. Jesus cares about you and He cares about everything going on in your life.
We have to have the faith to put our lives and everything going on in his hands.
We have to constantly remember that in the end Jesus is King.
Be strong and courageous. Put your faith in Jesus.