Stop Tolerating
Where do you draw the line?
At what point do you decide to put your foot down and say enough is enough?
We all have our non-negotiables and our tolerances but over the last 10 to 15 years those have slowly been compromised.
Through things like our media we have been slowly exposed to things that we were not okay with initially but with the gradual increase of exposure we now accept these things as normal life.
That is the problem with tolerance.
We are told that we need to tolerate and have certain levels of tolerance for certain things.
Tolerance is just a fancy word for allow.
When you tolerate you allowing things to come into your life that you have the option to keep out of your life.Â
We have to stop tolerating things that we don’t want in our lives and in our nation. Plain and simple.
Decide where you stand on things and then hold your ground.