Being Present

Being Present

So, I have a confession and I am feeling pretty convicted…..

I didn’t do anything. It is more like I haven’t been doing something and I think it is something we are all guilty of from time to time.

It is just zooming through life. We get so caught up in what we have to do next or where we have to be next that we forget to be present wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

Today, I was just stopping in at a Dollar General to pick up a couple things. I was trying to be in and out as quick as possible and definitely not trying to get caught up in a conversation.

Next thing I know I am sitting there reminiscing about childhood memories that the cashier and I shared about an item I purchased.

Honestly, I left there with a smile on my face feeling refreshed. 

Not because of the memories but because of the kind human interaction I had just had.

We cruise through life too often trying to avoid people and avoid conversation and that is one of the biggest reasons our country looks the way it does in my opinion.

We have stopped being people with people. Instead we are like robots on a direct path from task to task.

We are programmed or brainwashed to think that the majority of people are bad with a few good ones in the world when it is actually the complete opposite.

Most people are inherently good people, we live in a dark, heavy world and most people wear it draped over them.

You just have to make a little effort for them to lighten up.

So, I encourage you today to just have a random conversation with a stranger.

Don’t make it just a generic “Hi, how are you?” find something to let them know you are specifically paying attention to them. Ask about their shoes, comment on their outfit, anything. Just don’t be generic.

You’ll be so surprised to see how good you feel afterwards.

Be present.

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